Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tool #11

My favorite tools from this summer are Google Docs and Poll Everywhere. These tools can allow my students to collaborate with each other and other classes in writing and graphing, as well as other things. Google Docs will make it easier for students to do peer conferencing in writing because they can leave notes right on the document. Students can then make changes without having to rewrite the whole document. Poll Everywhere will make graphing more fun for my students. I hope to use Google Spreadsheet to do some graphing using data from other classes in my grade level.
I am a little scared about taking my students to the level of using Google Docs to collaborate with other classes, but I am willing to give it a try and see what they can do with it.
So far I haven't seen any unexpected outcomes. When I start using some of these things I may find some.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on finishing your 11 Tools Blog. Hopefully you will continue to share your learning through out the year.

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