Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tool #10

Three things I want my students to understand about being a good digital citizen
1. Nothing is private!
2. Be positive in comments and postings
3. Not to violate copyright
One resource that I plan to use is Brain Pop. I did not know that it had a video about this. Students love Brain Pop and it has a quiz to assess their understanding.
I would teach the idea of digital citizenship along with teaching them about the different communities they are a citizen of. This is just one more community to add.
I would share the idea of digital citizenship with my parents along the same lines as I would teach the students: it is just one more community that they belong to. I would share some of the precautions that should be taken to make sure that their child is safe in this community. This is still a new community for parents, especially at our school, and they may have plenty of questions and reservations about their child’s involvement.

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